"Group Achievement Award" pour l'instrument SPIRE

La Société Royale d'Astronomie (Royaume-Uni) a décerné le prix du "Group Achievement Award" au consortium de l'instrument SPIRE, l'un des trois instruments à bord de l'observatoire Herschel.

SPIRE (Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver) remplit deux fonctions: un photomètre pour cartographier l’émission infrarouge submillimétrique du milieu interstellaire et un spectromètre pour en étudier les conditions physiques et chimiques.

En France, le CEA, le CNRS/INSU et le CNES ont fortement contribué aussi bien au développement et à la réalisation technique de l'instrument qu'à l'exploitation scientifique.

imgDe nombreux membres du consortium SPIRE lors d'une réunion à Cardiff en juin 2013.

Voici le texte sur le site de la Société Royale d'Astronomie:

The Group Achievement Award for achievement by a large consortium in astronomy is given to the Herschel-SPIRE Consortium.

This consortium is led by Professor Matt Griffin of Cardiff University. The Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) consortium was responsible for the design, construction and delivery of this bolometer-based instrument as part of the instrument suite for ESA’s Herschel Space Observatory. The Herschel satellite was launched in 2009 and operated very successfully for 4 years, thereby exceeding its design lifetime.

By virtue of its unparalleled sensitivity and unique capabilities, the results obtained using SPIRE have been felt across a broad swath of astrophysics and in particular in detailed studies of star formation in the local Universe and extending out to very distant objects. Because of the long wavelengths at which SPIRE operates it is able to penetrate the veil of dust that obscures our view of these regions in visible light. As a measure of its importance, by summer 2013 more than 500 refereed scientific publications had used SPIRE data.

The fantastic success of Herschel-SPIRE is a fitting tribute to all those scientists and engineers who have contributed to the project over many years. The impact of observations obtained using SPIRE will continue to influence and advance astrophysics well into the future.


http://www.ras.org.uk/awards-and-grants/ ...

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